Closing Reception & Sorrondeguy Talk: Ripped & Torn: Punk at the Intersection
Tue, April 16, 2019 3:00 PM at The LookOut! Art Gallery
Graphics from the Krivine Collection and photography by Martin Sorrondeguy
Co-curated by Tessa Paneth-Pollak and Kate Birdsall
The closing reception will be held on Tuesday, April 16, from 4-7 p.m. Closing remarks by Martin Sorrondeguy will be at 4:30 p.m.
Martín Sorrondeguy was born in Montevideo, Uruguay; raised in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago and has returned to Pilsen after fifteen years of living in California. He is a visual artist, photographer, and musician.
The core of Sorrondeguy’s work addresses inequities through the creation of physical and artistic space, first as the singer for the internationally renowned politically charged punk en Español hardcore band Los Crudos. Nineteen years ago, Sorrondeguy began his career as the lead singer for the beloved hardcore radically and is now lead vocals for the openly queer punk band, Limp Wrist. The June 2018 issue of Rolling Stone Magazine published an article titled, Music’s Unsung LGBTQ Heroes. In the article, Limp Wrist was featured amongst the twenty-five most notable artists in music history due to the band's commitment to creating visibility for the LGBTQ community.
In the late 90s’ Sorrondeguy produced, shot, and edited a documentary titled "Mas Alla De Los Gritos/Beyond the Screams" (1999). The documentary footage includes portions of Los Crudos tour dates throughout the US, Mexico, and South America. These tours informed and expanded the scope of what it meant to be a punk in the U.S. as well as in Latin America. Sorrondeguy’s documentary homes in on young Chicanx and Latinx migrant punk rockers surviving the era brought in by the xenophobic Proposition 187 in California and a general anti-Latino immigrant sentiment sweeping the U.S and continues to do so today.
Sorrondeguy has published three photography books, En Busca de Algo Mas (Ugly, Bueno Aires), in 2015. Get Shot: A Visual Diary 1985-2012 (Make-A-Mess, Los Angeles), in late-2012, and Porqueria (Base, Tokyo) in 2010.
RCAH LookOut! Art Gallery
The LookOut! is always free and all are welcome.
Residential College in the Arts and Humanities
Snyder-Phillips Hall, Second Floor
362 Bogue Street
East Lansing, Michigan 48825
Monday to Friday from noon to 3 p.m.
Fridays from 5 to 8 p.m.
Social Media
Director of Exhibition Spaces
Tessa Paneth-Pollak, Ph.D.
LookOut! Preparator
Steven Baibak