Visit RCAH

Welcoming you and your family to campus in very important to us! We have a wide variety of visits, including in-person and virtual, as well as individual and group visits, both during the week and weekends. 


Green and White Days, July 19 and 22-26, 2024

Visit MSU’s campus and discover what it means to be a Spartan during our biggest open house events of the year.


If you're considering applying to MSU, Green and White Days is the program for you! Here you’ll have the flexibility to customize your schedule and explore campus at your own pace. You can also connect with campus resources, find out more about Spartan life and see spots on campus that aren’t visited during regular tours!

Green and White Days repeat daily on July 19 and 22-26 with programs starting at 9 a.m. and concluding by 4 p.m.


Individual Visits

Looking to learn about RCAH and how it specifically helps you reach your goals and explore your passions? Set up an in-person or virtual individual visit with our recruitment coordinators Rugelio Ramereiz and Katie Crombe. 

Schedule your personalized visit now:


Same-Day MSU Campus Visit + RCAH College Visit

If you have scheduled a Campus Visit with the MSU Office of Admissions and would like to visit Snyder-Phillips Hall to learn more about RCAH on the same day, please us the link below to add RCAH to your visit schedule.

Schedule an RCAH visit on the day you visit MSU:


More Information

If you would like more information, submit a Prospective Student Inquiry Form and request a viewbook, visit, conversation, or more information from one of our recruitment coordinators.


Contact Us Today

Rugelio Ramereiz
Recruitment Coordinator, Academic Advisor
Schedule a virtual visit:

Katie Crombe
Strategic Recruitment Coordinator
Schedule a virtual visit:




Take Virtual Tour of RCAH!



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