Trivia for the People

Wed, October 28, 2020 8:00 PM at Zoom

Image shows a colorful poster for the MSUVote Trivia Event advertising the following information. MSUVote is hosting a live virtual trivia with Matt Eickhoff from 'Tuesday Night Trivia' and along with it, a chance to win $25 Amazon gift cards! Gather friends and form teams, or play solo—it doesn't matter as you answer general knowledge, pop culture, movies, TV, music, and some MSU-related questions.

Register here until 8 p.m. on trivia night!

RCAH folks might recall Matt hosted trivia during RCAH’s Homecoming and it was a blast! Prizes to the top three finishers and a randomly-drawn team/person who plays the whole game. (At RCAH Homecoming, the last-place finisher won a prize!)  This MSUvote-sponsored trivia is about an hour and open to all members of the MSU community. However, prizes are only available for MSU Students with valid MSU email addresses.

MSUvote is a non-partisan campus committee whose mission it is to increase the number of registered student voters, to inform and educate students on candidates and issues, and to bolster student participation on Election Day.