Fall 2020 Announcement from Dean Esquith
August 19, 2020
Dear Students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni, and Friends of RCAH,
By now you've heard that MSU is moving almost all of its undergraduate classes online, including RCAH classes. This is being done for the safety and well-being of all of us. It is the right thing to do.
Since May, faculty and staff have been preparing to teach in a variety modalities (online, hybrid, and face-to-face), so this shift will be something that we can easily accommodate. It is not our ideal mode of instruction, but we are prepared for it on a temporary basis until COVID-19 is brought under control. And in some cases, online instruction has opened up new ways of connecting that we hadn't thought of before.
The University has also decided that students should not live on campus during the fall semester (with a small number of exceptions) for the same health reasons. As a residential college, of course, this means that we will have to continue to create the sense of belonging and community in a virtual environment.
We did this before at the end of last spring and throughout the summer, and our faculty and student affairs staff have been designing several new ways in which we will be in touch with students online.
More information about courses that are now shifting to an online platform and how we plan to maintain our strong sense of community will be sent out shortly.
Thank you for being a part of this incredible community that is RCAH.
Stephen Esquith, Dean
Residential College in the Arts and Humanities