January in RCAH: Details
January 10, 2022
From Dylan Miner, Interim Dean, RCAH:
In challenging times, such as those we continue to find ourselves, the words of artists and activists offer guidance. In RCAH, we often look towards these visionaries, who gesture towards better and more equitable futures. This is particularly relevant, as our decision-making processes emerge from our shared commitment to social justice. As Detroit-based writer adrienne maree brown so adeptly reminds us, “It is not enough to adhere to these values, however—we want to see our beliefs in practice.”
As we continue to grapple with complex decisions and select options for the benefit of the collective, brown’s words continue to illuminate our path. She likewise emphasizes that “We need to move from competitive ideation, trying to push our individual ideas, to collective ideation, collaborative ideation. It is not about having the number one best idea, but having ideas that come from, and work for, more people.” In RCAH, we hope to work for—and from— a non-competitive and collective framework.
As the semester begins, I would like to share these college-wide updates that correspond with the three-week period of remote instruction at MSU.
With the increased infection rates across Michigan—and within MSU and RCAH communities—we have decided to postpone or move RCAH co-curricular programming online. As you know, university leadership has already moved classes to remote instruction until, at least, January 30.
If their jobs can be completed remotely, staff may work remotely (or hybrid) until January 30. I am working with Associate Deans Scot Yoder and Joanna Bosse to ensure that RCAH offices remain open and staffed, although with reduced hours and density.
Beginning January 10, the Student Affairs (C230) will be staffed M-Th 10:00 to 4:00. Depending on the needs of students, this schedule will be reviewed at the end of the first week of the semester and subsequently shared and updated on our website. Advising will be conducted remotely.
All RCAH committees, including both standing and ad hoc, will be temporarily remote.
RCAH faculty office hours and meetings with students should also be remote until the university pivots back to in-person instruction.
There will be some RCAH spaces open for student usage and studying. The Student Affairs wing (C220), including Serenity, will be open M-F 9:00 to 9:00. The faculty office wings (C230 and C320) will also be open M-F 9:00 to 9:00.
Since many RCAH students will be living on-campus and in Snyder-Phillips Hall, the college should have space available to support student academic and creative work. In consultation with Associate Professor David Sheridan, the Language and Media Center (LMC) and Art Studio will both be open with reduced hours during January.
Given that RCAH students will need access to LMC technologies and support, as well as other materials, we believe that this will best serve our students. Both the LMC and Art Studio will be open at reduced hours and occupancy. During the first week of the semester, the LMC will be open M-Th 1:00 to 5:00. The Art Studio will not be open during the first week of the semester.
The schedule beginning Tuesday, January 18 will be:
LMC Art Studio
Sunday 6:00-9:00 Sun-Th 6:00-9:00
M-Th 3:00-9:00 Friday 1:00-5:00
Friday 1:00-5:00
Considering the health and well-being of our community partners, community engagements should be remote during the month of January.
LookOut! Gallery will also be closed during the month of January. This follows the lead of other public-facing exhibition spaces on campus, such as the MSU Museum. The Broad Museum and Wharton, however, will remain open with additional protocols. Our capacity in RCAH requires a temporary pause in gallery operations during the month of January.
While instruction is being offered remotely, the Center for Poetry staff will be working remotely. You can reach the Center anytime via their RCAH Community Teams Channel or by following them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, or by e-mailing cpoetry@msu.edu. You can also stay up-to-date by subscribing to the Center’s occasional e-newsletter or visiting their website.