RCAH Women’s Heritage Month Series: Excuse Me I'm Speaking
Thu, March 11, 2021 6:00 PM at Virtual
Excuse Me, I’m Speaking: Seeking Wholeness and Wellness in Times of Isolation and Enacting Womanist Communal Healing amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
Even though 2020, to some, symbolized a of year of vision, clarity, and sight, the increasing coronavirus cases, the #BlackLivesMatter protests, the murders of innocent black and brown people, and the increase of racist public outcry directed us to adapt to a new norm of living. This presentation, led by Dr. Rondee Gaines of the New York City College of Technology, uses womanist self-reflexivity to explore ways to cultivate wholeness, well-being, and survival, during times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. Womanist ways of living focus on (re)covering and (re)situating African American women, as well as all people, in a collective history, expanding our tradition, and articulating the brilliance of “everydayness.” Womanist awareness engages the range of diversity and undergirds a dynamic of problem-solving to sustain community-building. Using womanist criticism, the purpose of this presentation is to illustrate the organic development of community, begin to cultivate an oppositional stance to oppression, and increase awareness of domination-subjugation dialectical reality.
Zoom Link: https://msu.zoom.us/j/97766006767
Password: RCAHWHS
For more information, read the flyer pdf here or below.