Schedule Set for Africa on the Move Festival October 11-13

October 7, 2018

Africa on the Move

3-day festival as part of MSU’s Year of Global Africa

October 11 – 13, 2018

Hosted by MSU’s College of Communication Arts & Sciences

ComArtSci Building, room 145 & the first floor north lobby

View the posters for download here and here.

Read the press release about this festival: 


Day One: Thurs. 10/11: “Creative Arts”

  • 3 p.m.    Poetry, photography and podcasts featuring Gloria Nzeka (MSU), Jamie Monson, (MSU), Shingi Mavima (MSU), Boitshoko Molefhi (MSU), Dave Poulson (MSU), Darcy Greene (MSU) & Judy Walgreen (MSU).
  • 6 p.m.    Reception featuring West African cuisine – B.E. Caterer
  • 7 p.m.    La Pirogue (dir. Moussa Touré) – a group of men, aboard a pirogue, make a dangerous voyage to Europe in search of better opportunities.
    • Post-screening discussion with Ken Harrow (MSU), Cheikh Babou (U of Penn) & Chantal Tetreault (MSU).

Day Two: Fri. 10/12 “Changing Technologies” 

  • 3 p.m.     Mobile, software and media technologies featuring Michael Lawrence (Fulbright Scholar), Susan Wyche (MSU), James Odede (LakeHub), Jennifer Olson (MSU) & Isaac Kalumbu (MSU).
  • 6 p.m.     Reception featuring West African cuisine – B.E. Caterer
  • 7 p.m.    An Opera of the World (dir. Manthia Diawara) – a Sahel Opera in Bamako,“Bintou Were,” plays a role in exploring South – North migration and the refugee crisis.
    • Post-screening discussion with the film’s director, Manthia Diawara (NYU), Ken Harrow (MSU), Tama Hamilton-Wray (MSU) & Candace Keller (MSU).

Day Three: Sat. 10/13 “Mobility and Creative Movement”

  • 3 p.m.     Fashion, architecture, advertising, design, music & dance featuring Ruth Achieng Osoro (MSU) & Ross Chowles (MSU).
  • 3 p.m. "Amandla" (dir. Lee Hirsch) – a documentary film that explores the black South African liberation struggle through music.
    • Post-screening discussion with Ken Harrow (MSU), Isaac Kalumbu (MSU) & David Wiley (MSU).
  • 6 p.m.     Reception featuring West African cuisine – B.E. Caterer
  • 7 p.m.     Frontiers (dir. Moustafa Djadjam) – a group of Senegalese face challenges as they trek across the Sahara desert to Morocco in hopes of migrating to Europe.
    • Post-screening discussion with Ken Harrow (MSU), Judi Harris (St. Vincent Refugee Center) & Safoi Babana-Hampton (MSU).

Sponsored by:

The Residential College in the Arts & Humanities; College of ComArtSci: Advertising+PR, Inclusiveness Committee, Media & Information, School of Journalism, WKAR Public Media, College of Arts & Letters: African and African American Studies, Film Studies Program, Global Studies in the Arts and Humanities, History, Romance & Classical Languages, International Studies & Programs: African Studies Center.