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Fall 2014 Integrated Language Options (ILO)

Integrated Language Options (ILOs) constitute the core elements of the RCAH CLAC Program. ILOs provide language immersion opportunities for students. In an ILO, students use the language to collaborate with each other and their language mentor on a semester-long project. Fall 2014 topics and projects are listed below.

ASL: Stories of diverse people.

View video of students signing John Lennon’s Imagine.

View the poster: Why do deaf and hearing people like to sign songs?

Chinese: Chinese legal system.

Video of students explaining different features of Chinese law.

Participants: Leea Fellows, Erin Paskus, and Katherine Rock with Graduate Language Fellow Qing Zhang.

French: Serious gaming: Society, government, and culture.

View one image of the collection of artifacts representing the students’ “ideal” society, government, and culture created through a desert island thought experiment below:

 Image of a fish transposed over a triangle.

Participants: Leila Ballard, Elizabeth Beckett, Shae Christian, Andrew Jason, Jess Polus, Emily Quinlan, Katherine Smythe with Graduate Language Fellow Spencer Greenhalgh.

Haitian Creole: Considerations individuals should make when visiting Haiti, particularly those visiting for humanitarian reasons

View English version here of "Welcome to Haiti" brochure (in English and Haitian Creole) for first time visitors to Haiti.

View Creole version here of "Welcome to Haiti" brochure (in English and Haitian Creole) for first time visitors to Haiti.

Participants: Libby Hoffman, Angel Snyder with Graduate Language Fellow L. Michelle Vital.

Italian: Investigating language and context; comparing cultural differences and cultural stereotypes.

View PowerPoint presentation in which students engage in dialogues in three different contexts here.

View link to Prezi: “L’italia moderna" here.

Participants: Shaylyn Adams, Margaret Bice, Nicole Sherman, Leslie Welch with Graduate Language Fellow Lorena Valmori.

Korean: Understanding Korean popular media performances through the lens of American performance theories.

Student blog featuring analysis of Korean TV drama on

Participants: Sarah Teppen with Graduate Language Fellow Sun Jai Kim.

Spanish: Understanding the experiences of Cuban refugees: Interviews with Peckham team members.

View poster display (bio sketches and photography) here. 

Participants: Shannon Fitzpatrick, Krista Rodriguez, Kayla Turner with Graduate Language Fellow Fredy Rodriguez-Mejia.

Spanish: Schools and power imbalances: Colombian and American examples.

View videos reporting results of one-on-one interviews with students attending private schools in Colombia here and here.

Participants: Karen Baldwin, Melanie Check, Jacquelin Guzman, Brandon Hankins, Anna Hawkins, Sariah Metcalfe, Joshua Schriver with Graduate Language Fellow José Martinez-Hinestroza.