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Fall 2016 Integrated Language Options (ILO)

Integrated Language Options (ILOs) constitute the core elements of the RCAH Cultures and Languages across the Curriculum Program. ILOs provide language immersion opportunities for students. In an ILO, students use the language to collaborate with each other and their language mentor on a semester-long project.

Fall 2016 topics and projects are listed below.

  • ArabicMathematics and Khawarizmi (Presentation). Students studied the contributions that Khawarizmi made to the field of Mathematics and how his work influences modern Mathematics today. Participants: Ray Weidner with fellow Azad Hassan.
  • ASLLet’s Party! The Art of Cooking in ASL.. One important characteristic of the Deaf community is their love for social gatherings. Online recipes and cooking tutorials in English are becoming increasingly common. However, there is a shortage of video cooking demonstrations in American Sign Language (ASL).  Students produced four cooking tutorials in ASL featuring food that would be welcome at any party. Participants: Emily Bengel, Miranda Blankenship, Monica Booker and Autumn Skye with fellow Mark Berardi. 
  • ChineseThe Sounds of China (Youtube video). While you may be familiar with American Idol or The Voice, China has a multitude of vocal competitions that rival the creativity of U.S. shows. Students introduce popular Chinese groups such as The Voice of China, Sing!China,Let’s Sing Kids, I’m a Singer, Super Girl’s champion Li Yuchun, and Sing!China’s judge Jay Chou. Participants: Ethan Clarkston, Leea Fellows and Kate Rock with fellow Xuehong (Stella) He.
  • FrenchHip Hop and Social Movements in Francophone West Africa (Website). Students explored social issues in francophone West Africa (mainly Senegal) and how people promote social and political change through rap. Throughout the semster, they covered topics ranging from gender justice, civil society organization to democratic empowerment. Participants: Allison Costello, Abigail Kuplicki, Austin Martin, Sarah Teppen and Alexa White with fellow Emilie Diouf.
  • GermanThe European Migrant Crisis – Perspectives from Germany (Zine) Students created zines to explore the refugee crisis in Germany and the opinions of Germans toward refugees. Participants: Anna Backman and Kelci Henson-Forslund with fellow Ian Solheim.
  • JapaneseJapanese + Western =? : 和洋折衷 wa yo secchu (PDF and poster): Students explored connections and fusions between Japanese and Western culture, particularly focusing on language of food and holiday events. Participants: Lany Dyze, Leea Fellows and HuiYi Liu with fellow Tsuyoshi (Yoshi) Oshita.
  • ItalianILO’s got talent. Students created a video to showcase their skills in Italian in a fun way. Participants: Kristi Pollum, Shabnam Rajaei, and Leslie Welch with fellow Danilo Balzarini.
  • SpanishThe Educational Experiences of Emerging Latino Scholars (Website) This semester students delved deeper into questions about the educational experiences of Latinos. Students interviewed and spent time with Latino graduate students of the College of Education at MSU. Interviewees shared their stories about growing up bilingual, educational challenges and their passions as emerging education scholars. In a website, students presents their semester highlights along with their reflections on the importance of multilingualism. Participants: Claire Beutler, Madison Campbell, Aileen Dwyer, Craig Hedges, Austin Martin, Crystal Nance, Ashley Nance and Sadie Shattuck with fellow Abraham Ceballos.
  • SpanishVida Familiar en Latinoamérica. (Website)This project explores family values in three Latin American countries: Mexico, Panama, and Dominican Republic. Through online research, news reports, and interviews with Latina/o individuals, students built a website that showcases changes to family composition in Latin America. Participants: Melissa Bush, Katie Harger, Paige LaBoskey, Krista Rodriguez and Katherine Stark with fellow Gerardo Aponte.
  • VietnameseComparing Perceptions of Eastern and Western Culture Through Fashion (poster). Students the perceptions of Eastern and Western inspired fashion through the eyes of our American and Vietnamese participants. Participants: Julia Le with fellow Ni-La Le.