Intimacy of Common Things: Relief Prints by Gwen Frostic

Intimacy of Common Things: Relief Prints by Gwen Frostic

Exhibit Open: September 19-October 21

An illustrated print with a pale yellow background, soft grass with two skinny leaves, and a brown squirrel standing on his hind paws on the right side of the image.

Gwen Frostic is one of Michigan’s most important artists. She was born in Sandusky, Michigan in 1906 and educated at both the Michigan State Normal College and Western State Normal School. As a child, she was inflicted with polio and, subsequently, as an adult developed a successful career focusing on environmental themes in Michigan and the Great Lakes region. The exhibition in LookOut brings together nearly 100 relief prints, a selection of artist books, photographs, and other archival material. The exhibition will have additional hours during MSU Homecoming activities. 

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